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Alberto boosted

Esta entrevista con John Cherrry, el Nobel del Agua, es una maravilla.

Especialmente interesante para entender esa idea preconcebida de que el agua es un recurso renovable que no se acaba jamás:

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Alberto boosted

This is incredibly concerning. Statement from Scarlett Johansson on the OpenAI situation:

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¿Quieres sabes un poco más sobre el impacto medioambiental de los #CentrosDeDatos y la #ia

Pues pásate este viernes a la charla de #TuNubeSecaMiRio en la Brecha.

💧 Impacto Medioambiental de los Centros de Datos e IA
💧 CSOA La Brecha, Vallecas.
💧Viernes 24 de Mayo, 19:330
💧 Calle Picos de Europa 11.
💧 Entrada Gratuita

¡Nos vemos!

Alberto boosted

I'm so old I remember when Trump solicited a billion-dollar-bribe from oil company executives to roll back our environmental protections, and nobody did a thing.
Oh, that was last week.

Alberto boosted

What good is AI if you don't have a planet to use it on?

Microsoft released its 2024 Sustainability Report on Wednesday, and it's mostly bad news. Last year, Microsoft's emissions went up 29%, and it used 23% more water, primarily due to "new technologies, including generative AI."

The Great Lying Machine is eating our environment and spewing out toxic misinformation. Big Tech has become a clear and present danger to all our futures.

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Today, we step up our enforcement actions against Microsoft.

After not having received an answer to our request for information from 14 March regarding specific risks stemming from Bing's generative AI features, Microsoft has now until 27 May to provide it or could face fines and periodic penalties.

Bing may pose risks linked to generative AI, such as so-called ‘hallucinations’, deepfakes, and the automated manipulation of services that can mislead voters.



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When I talk about digital privacy, there is always some smug genius who shrugs and tells me, "Who cares? We all know we don't have any privacy anyway." Nothing could be more wrong. Convincing you that the fight is already over to the way people in power get you to stop resisting.

@oneeyedman si es algo en buen estado que compré hace un año lo sigo utilizando hasta que deje de ser útil. Pero no compraría nada de segunda mano si no tiene una rebaja significativa de precio respecto a eso mismo nuevo, me da igual el tiempo que tenga.

Alberto boosted

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.

We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.

Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.

This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!

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La Comisió Europea estrena nou servidor oficial Mastodon, deixant enrere la seva etapa de proves exitoses.

#Mastodon #EU

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¿Alguien ha hablado ya con estrellas y estrellados?

Al final es todo mucho más sencillo, que no simple... guiño 😉

Éramos pocos y parió la abuela... me lo pienso con el café.

Alberto boosted

Es todo muy aburrido...lo resumo:

Estamos en el 1,5 °C ya a efectos prácticos y la aceleración del #cambioclimático es difícil de negar ya]

Alberto boosted

Threat models matter.

When a platform/service/app tells you they are “private” or “secure” always ask “from whom?”

Criminals, domestic abusers, law enforcement, data brokers, and intelligence agencies are all different attackers with very different capabilities.

¡Mamá, mamá! ¡Salgo en la tele! 

No te pierdas: Objetivo planeta ¿Reciclamos lo que debemos?

Lorenzo Milá haciendo su magia para que se entienda lo que hay que decir sobre la gestión de residuos:

Alberto boosted

What happens if you tally up the total "unpriced" natural capital consumed by the world’s top industrial sectors?

Here’s how it breaks down:

A majority of unpriced natural capital costs are from greenhouse gas emissions (38%), followed by water use (25%), land use (24%), air pollution (7%), land and water pollution (5%), and waste (1%).

The total unpriced natural capital consumed by more than 1,000 global primary production and primary processing region-sectors amounts to $7.3 trillion a year — 13% of global GDP.

Those are old figures, from an article and a report published more than ten years ago. Without doubt, costs are even higher now.

But the point is this: None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use.

Capitalists *must* steal from the biosphere and from our future, or they can't make money.


#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism

Alberto boosted

46 years of #Arctic sea ice thickness during the month of April... What patterns do you see?

Graphic available at

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🏙️La naturalización de las ciudades es cuestión de vivir o morir
🏙️Respirar mejor
🏙️Vivir más
🏙️Ir menos al médico
🏙️Gastar menos en medicamentos
🏙️Tener menos calor
🏙️Más biodiversidad
🏙️Más polinizadores
🏙️Más huertos urbanos

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Comunidad fediversal para productores y curadores de conocimiento. Lenguajes: Español, Português, otras lenguas nuestroamericanas.