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Princeton Uni. got a takedown message from Elsevier mentioning few research papers were illegally posted on their websites.
Princeton websites are full of PDFs from Elsevier... Why Elsevier doesn't take down all of them? Clearly, they fear the wave that would come over them if they go against the body of researchers that work for them FOR FREE.


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Libraries can't afford to buy one by one all the content, so they are subscribed to -very expensive- packages.
Cons of this, if a certain publisher does not want to be part of the package anymore, it goes off without notice to the subscribers.
And yet, libraries can't cancel their subscriptions. 😠


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Academic publishers have identified very well their customers are not the same group as the ones who pay the bill (libraries, managers).
So customers (researchers) are price insensitive.

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The specific problem with academic publishing market is that you can't go for a cheaper product when your favourites are too expensive.
Libraries need ALL the content.


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Finally I found some time to see the documentary "Paywall, the business of scholarship".

Great job by Jason Schmitt, with plenty of testimonies by different actors from the academic publishing area.

A few reflections👇

The #COAR (@coar_ev) #Notify project is creating new levels of #interoperability between #preprint #repositories and other pieces of #OpenAccess infrastructure.

Basically, Notify how supports:

* One-click requests for peer review (from #Prereview, @prereview) for #preprints in #bioRxiv (@biorxivpreprint) and #SciELO (@redescielo)

* One-click journal submissions to OA journals (from #Episciences, @episciences) for preprints in #HAL (@hal_fr)

@equipo ¡Gracias, equipo!
Tengo curiosidad en saber cómo habéis hecho el hilo de mastodon... :)

Estamos cumpliendo 2 años con nuestra instancia en el y queremos enviar un gran agradecimiento a quienes han apoyado esta iniciativa :redNiboe: 🎉

Una de las formas más efectivas de comunicar ciencia: ¡con danza!

Aquí, el creador de 'Dance your PhD' explica el superenfriamiento de átomos.


📢🚨 Exciting news! Our study (w/ @lajello and @andreatagarelli) on the #TwitterMigration to #Mastodon is out now on Scientific Reports!

✍🏼 Blogpost:

📚 Paper:

🔬 The migration represents a unique example of collective behavioral change documented through large-scale digital traces, and can teach us a lot about how people coordinate!

@computationalsocialscience @networkscience @complexsystems

Here are the top data services I'd love to see come to the fediverse next year:

- OpenLibrary. . A great collection of books, movies, audio, other.
- OpenStreetMap. We need a good `Place` vocabulary, and OSM has a great one.
- MusicBrainz. A great way to represent `Audio` objects cross-service. The best music encyclopedia on the planet.
- Wikidata. For, well, everything else.


Qué importante es la perspectiva de para los niños, desde bien chiquititos.

Leyendo con mi (1 año) un cuento de animales, veo que ¡todos son macho! EL ciervo, EL jabalí, EL caballo, EL pájaro... El genérico también podría ser femenino, ¿no?

Bueno, en realidad, en la casa de la cultura. Nos han explicado que los renos de papá Noel en realidad ¡¡¡son renas!!! A los machos se les caen los cuernos en invierno 😲 ¿lo sabíais?

Usando para escribir notas de prensa --> aprendiendo nuevas palabras del inglés.

A ChatGPT le encanta decorar mis notas de prensa con multitud de adjetivos rimbombantes: pinnacle of cutting-edge research, prestigious accolade, cornerstone workshop, pivotal platform...

Too much.

Otro trabajo que se come la : creadores de contenido en rrss e influencers.

"El objetivo de los creadores de influencers virtuales es ahorrar costes a las marcas que puede generar una modelo real, como por ejemplo los gastos de transporte, comida y alojamiento. “

Consecuencias: hipersexualizacion de la mujer, entre otras.


The Kondo Effect.

The Matthiessen’s rule is a phenomenological relation that states that if resistivity stems from the scattering of electrons by lattice vibrations and imperfections, then it should keep decreasing with decreasing temperature.


I often receive questions about which license to choose for publishing scientific articles

Here is a complete guide with FAQs

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Comunidad fediversal para productores y curadores de conocimiento. Lenguajes: Español, Português, otras lenguas nuestroamericanas.