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Alberto boosted

Ayer mencionaba que uno de los problemas que originaban los embalses era que se cortaba el transporte de sedimentos hacia la desembocadura y sistemas litorales porque quedaban retenidos en los embalses (reduciendo también la capacidad real de almacenar agua).

Pues aquí van cifras (muy sorprendentes para mi): en Europa y UK se acumulan unos 135 M de metros cúbicos de sedimentos por año, cuyo coste de retirada supera los 2000 M € y con España entre el top 3 de costes.


Alberto boosted

Amazon says its plastic packaging can be recycled. An investigation finds it usually isn’t.

Trackers placed in 93 bundles of Amazon packaging marked for "store drop-off" recycling showed many of them were buried or burned. #ClimateChange

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😡Los 27 relajan las exigencias de responsabilidad socioambiental de
las empresas
😡Es un ataque frontal contra los derechos humanos y el medioambiente
😡Haz RT solo si esto te importa mucho y verás que pocos somos...
#UE #CrisisAmbiental #Abuso

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A LA CIUDADANÍA | El planeta se calienta a un ritmo sin precedentes, hay que recordar que la DESOBEDIENCIA CIVIL PACÍFICA es un DERECHO y un COMPROMISO con la democracia por el clima.


✍️Adam McKay, Zadie Smith, Jean Jouzel...

Alberto boosted

This one rack is 120kW of Nvidia AI compute. Google, Meta, Apple, OpenAI AND others are buying these like candy. In fact, there is a waiting list to get your hands on it. Each compute is super expensive too. All liquid cooled. Crazy tech. Crazy energy requirements too 🔥🤬all such massive energy requirements so that AI companies can sell LLM from stolen content from many humans and put everyone else out of the job while heating our planet.

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Would you believe it? During a global water crisis, the data centers are actually boasting about how much water they're using. About how, driven by the super-intense energy demands of AI, data centers can't be cooled properly with air conditioning and must use water. Of course, water is "cheaper" because the government sells it to them at half the price citizens pay.

Soaring artificial intelligence workloads are pushing traditional air-cooling systems to the brink.

Alberto boosted

I don't think people understand how extremely unusual the huge rise in global surface and ocean temperatures were in 2023 (and now in 2024), how #climate scientists are struggling to understand it, and the growing worry in the science community about what it means.
Here's a new article from one of the world's top climate scientists. Are we in "uncharted territory?"

"We need answers for why 2023 turned out to be the warmest year in possibly the past 100,000 years."

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De apenas usar la democracia se nos olvida como funciona. Protestar no es un crimen. El derecho internacional, por desgracia, se lo viene a recordar a jueces y fiscales españoles una y otra vez... pero nada..

#protesta #cambioclimatico

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Alberto boosted

RT by @EUClimateAction: ♻️ Only 38% of waste in the 🇪🇺 is recycled

We need more impactful circular solutions

Register now to follow the #CEStakeholderEU Conference 2024 💻 online on 15-16 April, and learn more about #CircularEconomy, from visions to actions 👉!xKKw3K


[2024-03-19 09:25 UTC]

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Alberto boosted

Habrá que pensar en hacer la guerra a los plásticos más pronto que tarde. Leo en Nature una más de lo que ya vamos sabiendo sobre la peligrosidad ambiental y para la salud también de las personas: "More than 4,000 plastic chemicals are hazardous, report finds
Year-long effort compiles comprehensive database of chemicals in plastics."
Y no es quimiofobia, es ciencia reponsable.

Alberto boosted

Quizás tengas carnet de conducir y no conozcas esta señal 🤔 plazas exclusivas unicamente para cargar coche eléctrico ⚡🔋🚙

Y NO... tampoco puede aparcar un coche eléctrico que NO esté cargando 🚫

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"the speed at which EU and national politicians abandoned green policies reflects the strong penetration of industrial agriculture into decision spheres"

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Alberto boosted

"Al ser una agricultura cada vez más tecnificada, despegada del territorio y del estado de los recursos, dependen del suministro de energía, fertilizantes, semillas, agua y asesoramiento. De ello se encargan empresas o corporaciones que van adquiriendo más protagonismo y dominio."

Magnífica reunión de expertos para sintetizar un problema tan grave como complejo 👇

#Agricultura #Agua

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Chess Grandmaster Anna Muzychuk refuses to play in Saudi Arabia and says: "In a few days, I will lose two world titles, back to back." Because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia. I refuse to play by special rules, to wear abaya, to be accompanied by a man so I can leave the hotel, so I don't feel like a second class person.
#saudiarabia #equalrights

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🚬Reino Unido y Nueva Zelanda ya han prohibido los vapeadores de un solo uso
🚬También se hará en Irlanda, Alemania, Francia, Bélgica, Australia...
🚬Es urgente para evitar graves daños a la salud y al medioambiente
#Fumar #Tabaco #UK #NuevaZelanda #Vapeadores #Vapear #Vapeo #Salud #Medioambiente #Usarytirar

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What does it mean to be collapse-aware?

Below are some excerpts from a recent article by Alan Urban that discusses this. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Also, for those who (predictably) are going to yell at me for being a 'doomer', my next couple of posts will be about solutions, changes we must make soon if we're aiming for a slightly less dire future.

If you’re collapse-aware, it means you’ve learned enough about climate change, pollution, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss to conclude that civilization is unsustainable and will eventually collapse.

Whether the collapse happens suddenly or takes several decades, and whether it happens soon or in the distant future, is up for debate. But the end result is the same: a pre-industrial world with a much smaller population.

It could be a world where nearly everyone works from sunup to sundown to put food on the table. It could be a world where people have to hunt and gather for survival, constantly moving in search of food and resources. Or it could be a world where humans, along with most other creatures, have gone extinct.

Before 2020, I was a techno-optimist. I believed advances in technology would allow us to overcome our problems and create a world where everyone was free to pursue their interests and lead a happy life. Goddamn was I naive.

In the fall of that year, I learned that the problem was much worse than I had thought. Climate change wasn’t the main problem. In fact, climate change — along with pollution, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss — were merely symptoms of a much bigger problem: overshoot.

For those who don’t know, overshoot is when a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecosystem. As a result, the ecosystem is unable to produce enough food for the species, and the population collapses. Once a species goes into overshoot, collapse is inevitable. There’s no way out.

According to the Global Footprint Network, humans exceeded the carrying capacity of planet Earth over 50 years ago. That means it’s only a matter of time before the human population collapses. The only question is when.


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

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