I don’t own a car and I ride my bike a lot, often on very busy city streets. I always wear a helmet when I ride — not because it makes me less likely to get hit by a car, but because it makes me less likely to suffer from brain damage if and when I do get hit by a car.
However, as Dave Walker (@davewalker) points out, there are MANY other and much better ways to make cycling safer for everyone. 🚲
@angel @rodricels @euklidiadas
Aportando más color a este último comentario se sabe que el último mamut murió unos mil años después de comenzada la construcción de las pirámides de Egipto.
#TIL that fortunately someone has already invented a term that was on my mind but for which no word seemed to already exist.
Thank you, Urban Dictionary: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Spacewashing
A estas alturas ya sabemos todos que lo de que nos fumigan es falso. Pero, ¿Sabéis cuál es el origen del bulo?
Así hemos contado en Canal Sur el bólido impresionante que se ha visto esta pasada madrugada en España y Portugal. Gracias, @jmmadiedo
Six months after it suffered a serious brain injury and after months of mind-boggling ultra-long-distance surgery, the Voyager 1 spacecraft walked and talked at full data rate today!
After a full memory readout today at 40 bps, Voyager 1 switched to the science-mode 160 bps rate, which the DSN site at Goldstone was able to receive and decode.
Congrats and kudos to all who made it happen.
In early 2023, a new comet took stargazers by surprise. Called Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinan-Atlas), this icy visitor was discovered by two separate observatories in South Africa and China. Comet A3 had scientists and amateurs alike wondering if it would be the next naked-eye comet to light our skies. As 2024 unfolds, we eagerly anticipate whether Comet A3 will deliver the breathtaking celestial display we have all been hoping for!
Artificial light is good and beneficial to humanity. But it's also possible to have too much of a good thing.
Follow the Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting: https://darksky.org/resources/guides-and-how-tos/lighting-principles/
Bad news for radio astronomy AND optical astronomy. Not only is 'Supplemental Coverage from Space' (aka direct-to-cell) transmission unregulated at this point, but the 2nd generation of #BlueBird satellites will be monstrously large reflectors of sunlight.
#Space #SpaceSustainability #SCS #RadioAstronomy #RFI #RadioInterference
So, over in the astronomy world there is some considerable consternation about a tweet from eminent satellite tracker Jonathan McDowell.
Apparently "Starlink Precipitation" is now a thing. And yes, you got that right, Starlink precipitation is pieces of Elon Musk's fucking internet satellites raining down from space.
See also this post from @carlysagan: https://mastodon.social/@carlysagan/112448150797509408
Carme Jordi é doutora en Física pola Universidade de Barcelona (1985). A súa carreira científica comezou no campo da astrometría de precisión e sistemas de referencia. Ademais traballou como técnica de sistemas no sector privado antes de incorporarse á UB. Dende 1991 é profesora titular do Departamento de Astronomía e Meteoroloxía da UB. Pertence ao Instituto de Estudos Espaciais de Cataluña, ao Instituto de Ciencias do Cosmos e á Unidade Asociada co Instituto de Ciencias do Espazo do CSIC.
Em fa ràbia que tanta gent a #Olot vulgui fer fora companys de feina i mares de l'Escola Bressol de la meva filla, per no haver nascut aquí.
Son els nostres amics i ara són catalanes com vosaltres.
A #Olot el que sobre són #racistes #classistes
Hi posarem el cos, l'ànima i tota l'energia per combatre la vostra xenofòbia.
!!!!!! --> @DGaladi