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Os presento el libro "De la Tierra al universo: Astronomía general teórica y práctica, 2ª. edición", con Jordi Gutiérrez Cabello, fotografías de Vicent Peris Baixauli, en Ediciones Akal.

☀️ 🛰️ 🔭 ✅
¡Misión Cumplida!
Acá les comparto el resultado final del tránsito capturado: El Hubble delante del Sol.

Un reto muy interesante y hasta cierto punto complejo por el tamaño angular del #HST.

It's not new, but this article does a GREAT job of explaining why Artemis is so awful, on every level.

"Early on, SLS designers made the catastrophic decision to reuse Shuttle hardware, which is like using Fabergé eggs to save money on an omelet."

I seriously doubt it will ever deliver someone to the lunar surface.

Si el destino está escrito, me voy a permitir la osadía de cambiarle los papeles de sitio.

Que cuando ese cabrón busque tinta permanente, encuentre lápiz afilado. Rotulador con marca de agua para que no le sea tan fácil perfilar las líneas del desastre.

Se parece a ese señor con sombrero y maletín, cargado de plantillas que manejan las palabras al milímetro, que no espera chocar a la vuelta de la esquina con un corazón que no se cansa de volver a intentar el borrador.

Si el destino está escrito, me voy a permitir la osadía de salirme de la raya, mezclar hasta inventar otro color, pedir cuentas por los mil papeles que rozan la perfección y no tocan ni una sola verdad.

¿Tus ingresos financieros son de menos de mil euros por *día*?

Entonces tiene sentido que firmes la iniciativa europea para un impuesto sobre las grandes fortunas.

No es una campaña común. Una vez alcanzado el quórum, el parlamento europeo debe tratar el tema, sí o sí.

¿Ya pusiste tu firma?


It's been true for a while now, but it still makes me incredibly sad that there are more Starlink satellites in orbit than measured exoplanets in the universe.

Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot is only 193 years old!

And it won't last forever. Here's how we know.

Cool news about Omega Centauri!

First, what 𝘪𝘴 Omega Centauri? It's the largest of roughly 200 globular clusters that roam the outskirts of our galaxy. It packs 10 million stars much older than the Sun into a ball 150 light-years in diameter. We think it was a small galaxy in its own right that got captured by ours and stripped of its outer layers.

The news is that Omega Centauri seems to have a black hole in its center, just like many galaxies. But this black hole is just 8,000 times the mass of our Sun!

Yes, that's 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦 compared to a black hole formed by a single collapsing star... but it's tiny compared to the typical 'supermassive' black holes found at galactic centers. It's the first black hole in its mass range ever found! Astronomers have been looking for them.

This black hole may be a rare remnant - a fly in amber. Maybe all black holes in galactic centers started small and kept growing by eating stars until they became supermassive. Maybe Omega Centauri stayed small because its host galaxy got ripped apart by ours.

Why do we think Omega Centauri has a black hole in it? A team led by Maximilian Häberle at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy found seven stars in its core moving so fast that they would have shot out of the cluster if there weren't a massive object holding them in.

Häberle has been working at this since 2019, measuring the velocities of 1.4 million stars in Omega Centauri by studying over 500 Hubble images of the cluster. Most of these images had been produced for another purpose: calibrating Hubble’s instruments. But they turned out to be perfect for the job of finding fast-moving stars.

More details:

This is the best way possible to (maybe?) end this epic thread!

Here is the story of the Saskatchewan SpaceX debris fall, written by me, published by Scientific American:

Many of you got to see this story unfold in real-time toots, but this is the whole thing, plus some extra science context. Extra special thank you to @NicoleCRust and @laurahelmuth for encouraging me to pitch the story to SciAm! I am so excited to publish in a magazine I read all the time as a kid.

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Los días más calurosos del verano nos dan un buen motivo para recordar por qué se llaman "los días de la canícula" y la relación entre el verano, la estrella Sirio, el imperio romano y el antiguo Egipto...

Me contaron tantos cuentos para dormir que me hice adicta a las palabras. Sobredosis de quizás para pasar la noche, una y no más desde la ventana, la luna acomete, el relato enloquece.

De niña conocí el Diazepam, pequeñas pastillas que hacían más pequeña a mi madre. Decía que las tomaba para poder conciliar el sueño. Yo la observaba, con la madrugada enredada en los ojos, bebía agua de un vaso a rebosar que parecía medio vacío.

Pensaba...dormir por dormir, despertar por despertar, jugar a repetir, el ciclo sin fin.

Llené las cajas vacías de otros ansiolíticos, mira mamá, aprendí a dormir con las palabras. Ellas te enseñan a mirar, te mecen, te acunan, te te someten, no te aturden, no te engañan.

Garabatos de pensamientos enredados, sentimientos encontrados, madrugadas de papel.

Mira mamá, entrego mis armas a la noche, no lucharé contra mí. He visto demasiada derrota por no alcanzar a tocar lo que tienes delante.

Estoy aquí, escribiendo.
Otra vez, hasta el amanecer.

Here are some pics of asteroid 2024 MK which flew past Earth on June 29 at a distance of 290,000 km, closer than the moon.

The radar based image was created by transmitting radio waves using the 70-m DSS-14 dish at NASA's DSN site near Barstow, CA. The reflected signals were received by Goldstone’s 34 m DSS-13 antenna.

The 150-m asteroid appears to be elongated and angular, with prominent flat and rounded regions and has boulders 10-m wide.

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Increíble el nivel de egolatría y de inanidad del personaje, presunto escritor, al que están entrevistando en este mismo instante en "El ojo crítico".

"It's rare for a reentering object to hit a structure or injure a person, and falling space debris has never killed anyone. ... But without mitigations, those odds will only go up as more #satellites go into space."

#Space #SpaceDebris #SpaceSustainability

University of Glasgow - University news - Gravitational wave researchers cast new light on Antikythera mechanism mystery

The amount of rain in the Netherlands since 1 October is totally out of the range we knew. A very persistent jet stream pattern combined with lots of moisture over the warm Atlantic causes it. Behind that: climate change.
Expect more surprises.

Sobre la llegada de las muestras lunares chinas procedentes de la cara oculta de la Luna, aquí está mi artículo en "The Conversation" poniendo esta proeza en su contexto:

Hi ha dies en què escriure en català amb accent balear és un gest democràtic necessari. Esper que sa gent de ses illes vegi ara, es veritable rostre del feixisme.

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