Incoming! A severe G4 Geomagnetic Storm is expected to arrive around 02:00 UTC Friday night / Saturday morning.
At least 5 Coronal Mass Ejections took place over the past 24 hours, directed towards Earth. These originated from a large and magnetically complex sunspot cluster (NOAA region 3664).
There is potential for disruption of communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations.
And bright auroras as far south as Alabama!
Designan secretaria de la Comisión de Ciencia argentina a una terraplanista.
Lilia Lemoine ha defendido su postura terraplanista, pero esa no ha sido la única afronta a la ciencia de esta miembro del Gobierno de Argentina.
I am talking o a reporter about this in a couple hours:
This is about an hour away from my farm, so this'll be a fun conversation, and yet another great opportunity to tell a lot of people about what a huge problem we have with unregulated commercialization of orbit. (Also I just redid my slides for my public talk next week, this is going in!)
Manifiesto contra el auge del negacionismo climático, la polarización y el odio en redes sociales
El Manifiesto contra el auge del negacionismo climático, la polarización y el odio en redes sociales es una iniciativa de Valentina Raffio, Isabel Moreno y Verónica Pavés, que llama la atención no sólo de los crecientes mensajes de negacionistas, sino también su estrategia de odio y polarización.
No estamos hablando sólo de insultos, sino también de amenazas de muerte…
Let's send our best wishes for the success of the Chang'e 6 sample return mission to the far side of the moon.
Robotic landing on the moon has turned out to be lot harder than we thought, as evident from the poor success rate in such missions over the past few years. See table below.
China's Chang'e 6 mission to the moon was launched today.
The spacecraft and mission are very similar to Chang'e 5, which brought lunar rock samples back to earth in 2020, except that Chang'e 6 will land in the South polar region on the far side of the moon.
Comms will take place via the Queqiao-2 relay satellite, which was launched on March 20 and is in an elliptical lunar orbit of 200×16,000 km at 62.4° inclination.
Mission time: 53 days
Adelanto para mañana de la columna en el @NoticiasDeNavarra
"Sin embargo en noviembre comenzó a mandar bits extraños, sin sentido; muchos la dieron por estropeada y perdida. Pero el equipo que lleva decenios siguiéndola no dejó de intentar comprender qué pasaba. Cinco meses después ha imaginado cómo recuperar el contacto y hacer que nos vuelva a contar cómo le va la vida."
I would like to personally thank the Sun for blasting out *four* solar flares *simultaneously* on the same week I explain solar storms and also warn folks about the dangers of them.
🚨🚨📡✨ Tras 5 meses enviando datos sin sentido, ¡¡la #Voyager1 ha enviado datos de ingeniería correctos y está a punto de volver a enviar ciencia!! ¡Enhorabuena al equipazo del JPL que lo ha hecho posible! ¡Gracias por volver a hacer lo imposible en una sonda de 47 años! 📡✨
Haz tu propio arco iris
En el blog
Searching for Free-Floating Planets with TESS: I. Discovery of a First Terrestrial-Mass Candidate
El material que ha preparado la organización para presentarme pir mi participación en la, semana de la, astronomía en Almería este año.
I'm talking to a journalist in a bit about NASA's new "space sustainability strategy" and this one sentence from the abstract seems to sum it up:
"Given the substantial upfront expenditures required to develop and deploy remediation capabilities and the potential delay in receiving benefits, these motivations do not appear to be sufficient to incentivize immediate action"
I'm going to have to read this more carefully, but did NASA just say they don't care about orbit?!
Strange science facts: In nuclear power, functional nuclear fission reactors were constructed as early as 1942, yet nuclear fusion remains elusive and can only be achieved for short periods. In jazz, on the other hand, jazz fusion was invented in the early 70s, and jazz fission remains purely theoretical even today
La verdad sobre el uso de plasmas (gases ionizados) en medicina. Que no os vendan motos:
!!!!!! --> @DGaladi