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Cuando les sacan el algoritmo que los manipula: largan el chupete.

"One significant effect: Without the sophisticated algorithm, researchers reported that users liked, commented and shared less often and spent “dramatically less” time on Facebook and Instagram overall. Instead, mobile users who had been switched to reverse chronological feed spent more time on TikTok and YouTube. Desktop users spent less time on Facebook and more time on Reddit".

Fascinating research emerging around the study of Facebook activity around the 2020 election. Among the findings: Echo chambers are real. Algorithms have impact. Pages and groups drive political segregation (more than friends). There's a quirky conservative media ecosystem that doesn't have a perfect counterpart on the left. And misinformation during/about the 2020 election was more prevalent within a politically-active, conservative section of the social network.

"The ability to directly interface with the brain safely and effectively has advanced to the point where BCIs can leave the lab and produce practical, real-world benefits for patients with paralysis. “Getting BCI technology into the hands of patients will be life-changing for them, their caregivers and their communities,” Solzbacher said.
Until now, patients could only access this technology through multimillion-dollar research studies, but that is changing: Blackrock expects its first commercial BCI device—and the first commercially available implantable BCI in the world—to be available in 2023"

Artificial intelligence is helping American cops look for “suspicious” patterns of movement, digging through license plate databases with billions of records. A drug trafficking case in New York has uncloaked — and challenged — one of the biggest rollouts of the controversial technology to date.

, medio ambiente, ciberdelitos, empresas de tecnología. Imaginario del sabatoje digital y su persecución y redes de militancia. Merece verse.

Breve ensayo sobre la relación entre y ciudad, y ciudad: territorios, y transformaciones culturales. Salió por Revista Código y Frontera de la


Twitter is threatening legal action against Meta over Threads

in November, Elon Musk mocked laid off Twitter employees, saying “their immense talent will no doubt be of great use elsewhere”

well, apparently some went to Meta to build Threads & Musk now has a problem with that

And there it is, monetization before decentralization. #Bluesky

They're selling domains. I knew it.

There’s been a lot of speculation around what Threads will be and what it means for Mastodon. We’ve put together some of the most common questions and our responses based on what was launched today:

Qué hermoso sería que el hdp Maduro le mande al imbécil de Lacalle Poe un barco lleno de bidones de agua... Así no se angustia por la única solución que su liderazgo de estadista propone: esperar la lluvia.

"Una de las grandes fallas de las imágenes generadas por inteligencia artificial son las manos. Las IAs pueden simular ojos, cabellos, texturas de la piel, pero son muy malas para hacer manos. En lugar de cinco dedos, las IAs suelen hacer aparecer manos con doce dedos, o bien, manos contorsionadas en poses imposibles, como si carecieran de huesos o fuesen un mero montón de carne. (...) Pero en algún lugar ya habíamos experimentado el horror de estar frente a manos semejantes. Era en El Eternauta, donde una de las especies alienígenas que invaden Buenos Aires tiene manos monstruosas con decenas de dedos, utilizados con gran destreza para activar los teclados de las armas que traen del espacio con el fin de aniquilar y esclavizar a la especie humana."

Sigue en:


#AI #IA #Eternauta #manos #hands #Midjourney

Aquí la columna de @cybercirujas por FM La Tribu

Como siempre gracias a @santiago por permitirnos usar su instancia de peertube para subir nuestro contenido

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Breve ensayo sobre la relación entre y ciudad, y ciudad: territorios, y transformaciones culturales. Salió por Revista Código y Frontera de la


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