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Meta/Facebook/Threads/Instagram is now using your content for generative AI. There is a form to opt out, although I don't know if it'll make a difference, but here it is:

The Digital Services Act went live in the EU on Friday. The below is a handy list of the most visible changes Europeans will see

1. Chronological views are now a required option in social media apps including TikTok.

2. It’s easier to report harmful content.

3. You’ll get an explanation when your post is moderated and taken down.

4. You can report fake products on marketplaces like Amazon.

5. Teens under 18 won’t see targeted ads based on their interests.

So, full text search is now live on and

It is "opt-in", meaning you need to check the Preferences box to enable your posts to be searchable.

Today, a very niche tip for RSS fans :rss:

As well as Mastodon's built-in hashtag following system, you can also follow hashtags through RSS instead:

1. Search for a hashtag on a Mastodon server's website
2. Add .rss to the end of the URL
3. Use this URL as the feed address for that tag

For example to subscribe to #Dinosaurs on you would use this address in your feed reader:

#RSS #FediTips #Mastodon #MastoTips

Researchers have monitored #Neptune for over 30 years with the #Keck Observatory (since 2002), the Lick Observatory (2018-2019), and the #Hubble Space Telescope (since 1994).

One neat result comes out of this data. The number of clouds on Neptune seems to be correlated with the solar cycle. The sun puts out the maximum amount of ultraviolet light during the solar cycle's peak. Two years later, more clouds appear on Neptune.

Learn more:

Hoy que han cortado el acceso gratuito a #TweetDeck (ahora #XPro) es tan buen día como cualquier otro para recordar que en Mastodon también tenemos un modo multi-columna.

Podéis habitarlo desde Preferencias -> Apariencia -> Interfaz web avanzada. Yo lo uso para ver las líneas de Inicio, Local, y Federada al mismo tiempo.

Y por si fuera poco también tenéis los clientes de terceros como @mastodeck, @sengi_app o @phanpy. ¡Hay para todos!

I'm going to do some science outreach in my son's primary school, and I've received the most wonderful advice:

'when they start speaking, first ask them if it's a story or a question. if it's a story, make sure to cut them off early or they'll talk forever.'

*it works exactly the same with senior academics after presentations*

Some interesting responses (thoughts) on the article:
-This is what uncontrolled, under-taxed capitalism results in.
- How did the US government and its army NOT manage to develop this capability despite the trillions they have got in taxpayer money.
-The big brother is certainly going to be an individual, not a government.
-As Musk ages and systems accommodate his incredible powers, he will be increasingly prone to make decisions potentially ruinous to millions of people.
-China complained this year to a UN panel that SpaceX was putting so many satellites into orbit that it would prevent others from accessing space.

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Since Musk has officially announced his intention to train his "AI" on everyone's tweets, here, again, for anyone still there, is how to download your data:
A few tweet deletion tools:
And Darius @darius's Twitter archive tool:

"Baby, you don't know what you're missing
Our chemistry felt like quantum physics"

Not sure what Central Cee meant with this... Is it meant to be romantic? 😄

Un magnífico buscador de proyectos de ciencia ciudadana

New practice from IOPPublishing: papers are reviewed online so researchers can not have the "accepted version" or "postprint" themselves to deposit in a repository.

The battle is going to be long...

Are we at the doors of a rebellion against the huge profit margins in academic publishing? Ojalá... 👇
Resignación en masa de los editores de Neuroimage (Elsevier)

En el Día del Libro, recuerdo mi tiempo en la ciudad que acunó la primera imprenta, la de Gutenberg. ¿Sabéis de qué ciudad se trata?

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Comunidad fediversal para productores y curadores de conocimiento. Lenguajes: Español, Português, otras lenguas nuestroamericanas.