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I wonder who will be giving the mass at Peter Higgs' funeral?

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In response to the energy crisis, Copenhagen dimmed the lighting in the city. A mobile ethnographic study among 22 female citizens asked them about their experience of the change. A total of zero had noticed that the lighting had changed.

No one knows how bright anything is. There is tremendous flexibility to reduce #LightPollution and #Energy waste, simply by dimming streetlights. If you're concerned about a #ClimateCrisis, dimming is one of the easiest steps to take.

Status update on the Voyager 1 spacecraft which has been sending a 0101 pattern since Nov 2023.

The problem seems to be a failed memory part in the FDS computer; engineers are planning to move ~200 words of software from one region to another, according to Joseph Westlake, director of NASA’s heliophysics division, who was speaking at a March 20 meeting of the National Academies’ Committee on Solar and Space Physics.

Westlake sounded very optimistic.

Joaquín Reyes sobre el "ya no se puede decir nada" y la "cultura de la cancelación"

En Naukas, "mitos y verdades" acerca de un libro que cambió para siempre nuestra visión del mundo y del lugar que ocupamos en él. mundo

Sobre l’odissea de la nau Voyager I
Un viatge de 46 anys amb carambola aprofitant una disposició de planetes que només es repeteix cada 175 anys, i ja fora de la heliosfera (és a més de 22.5 hores llum d’aquí!)

Com un raig còsmic pot haver-li capgirat la memòria, malmetent-ne les comunicacions, i les peripècies per a recuperar la nau i allargar-ne una mica més el final

Good news from the Voyager 1 spacecraft that has been stuck sending a 0101 pattern since Nov 2023.

The team has long suspected the root cause to be a corrupted area of memory in the FDS computer. On Mar 1, they sent some commands to make the FDS skip around sections of memory. The data stream rcvd 45 hours later looked different and was decoded to contain a read-out of the entire FDS memory!

Hopefully, they can now identify and fix the offending memory words.

Por cierto, es buen día para recordar la novela Contact (Carl Sagan) en la que, a diferencia de la película, el número pi juega un papel importante... 🖖

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Happy Pi Day! 🥧
And Happy Birthday to Albert Einstein.

Here are a few mathematical representations of π developed over the ages. Can you identify the mathematicians behind these equations?

The key issue is whether this will lead to an effective protection of the night sky or to consolidate the priority of industrial and military uses of the LEO region, uses that the IAU seems to accept as taken for granted.

@arstechnica Turns out the Fall of the Library of Alexandria was due to Elsevier cancelling their subscription.

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