@tanitfg El sentit gamberro de la vida de qui és brètol del tot
@the_heruman Que Monesvol te bendiga en cada ágape. Ramen.
Why the huge increase in days with #ExtremeHeat?
Climate change does two things to air temperature:
1. The AVERAGE shifts to higher temperature. This one is obvious. But also:
2. The VARIANCE gets larger so the extremes become more prevalent
Both of these effects together give a LOT more VERY hot days.
Entrevista imprescindible amb na Valentina Planes, fundadora de La Incorrecta: https://dai.ly/x8zluos
Mexico is ahead of the US with electing a woman president bc they have 50% gender quotas for party nominees. Their Congress is 50% women. They decriminalized abortion in 2023. Femicide is on the rise but it is recognized as a distinct crime.
@sendadeapolo Argumento para una novela posapocalíptica: las superbacterias comedoras de plástico se escapan del laboratorio y proliferan por todo el planeta devorando a su paso todo lo que sea de plástico. Resultado: una vuelta a la era preplástico, o sea, no nos quedaría nada.
@eurekablog Normal. A ver si primero la ponen en órbita baja y luego ya hablaremos.
Nueva Junta Directiva de ARP-SAPC
En la Asamblea de Socios correspondiente al año 2024, que se ha celebrado hoy, ha salido elegida por unanimidad una nueva Junta Directiva, constituida por los siguientes socios:
Presidenta: Gracia Morales
Vicepresidente: Jorge J. Frías
Directora ejecutiva: Coral Fernández
Secretario: Juan Rodríguez
Tesorero: Guillermo Hernández
Vocal: Patricia Largo
Vocal: Soledad Luceño
Vocal: Andrés Trujillo
Vocal: Silvia Diez… http://www.escepticos.es/node/8880?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
New images of #Jupiter's volcano-studded #moon #Io, taken by the Large Binocular Telescope (#LBT), offer the highest resolution of Io ever achieved with an Earth-based instrument.
The eruptions on Io, the most volcanically active body in the solar system, dwarf their contemporaries on Earth.
Io, therefore, presents a unique opportunity to learn about the mighty eruptions that helped shape the surfaces of the Earth and the moon in their distant pasts.
Had a nice visit here in Tucson today with Jhong-Fu Huang from the Taiwan Dark Sky Association. He is visiting the U.S. on a National Committee on U.S.-China Relations fellowship. We talked about dark-skies efforts in our respective countries and how we can work together more closely.
Citizen scientists with robotic telescopes recently confirmed the existence of an exoplanet: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15021
When I was born, we still didn't have evidence that there were planets around other suns. Now you can observe them in your backyard. That's pretty amazing, if you ask me!
Si aquest estiu vols aprendre #esperanto, l'Escola Oficial d'Idiomes de Terrassa té un curs per tu! Apunta't a l'intensiu d'estiu d'esperanto de 30 hores.
Vols més informació? https://agora-eoi.xtec.cat/eoiterrassa/cursos-especials/cursos-destiu-2024/
I forgot about this scene in Halt and Catch Fire. I’ll be submitting a formal complaint first thing in the morning :) #esperanto
I don’t own a car and I ride my bike a lot, often on very busy city streets. I always wear a helmet when I ride — not because it makes me less likely to get hit by a car, but because it makes me less likely to suffer from brain damage if and when I do get hit by a car.
However, as Dave Walker (@davewalker) points out, there are MANY other and much better ways to make cycling safer for everyone. 🚲
@angel @rodricels @euklidiadas
Aportando más color a este último comentario se sabe que el último mamut murió unos mil años después de comenzada la construcción de las pirámides de Egipto.
!!!!!! --> @DGaladi