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Monoculture tree plantations are *not* forests. They do not harbor biodiversity, and they are far more susceptible to drought, fire, and pest infestation than are actual, natural forests. 

So when advocates for “Green Growth” promise we can keep the economy going by planting trees to capture carbon and maintain a healthy biosphere, do not believe them. It’s a lie. It’s a perpetuation of Business As Usual.

The best way of using trees to capture carbon is — don’t cut down forests!!

And the best way to reduce carbon in the atmosphere is — stop burning fossil fuels!!

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Biodiversity #Greenwashing

@Sustainable2050 @gwagner

It’s true.

Our paleoanalog simulation for where we try to find a past climate with similar CO2 has moved from a the Pliocene to Miocene, 10 million years earlier, over the course of my 20 year career.

@Sustainable2050 @gwagner

The new CO2 reconstruction for the last 65 Million years has put me in a sharing mood:
#NASA GISS E2.1-G (IPCC6 version) simulations for this range of CO2 values.
#Miocene #Eocene #LastGlacialMaximum #MidHolocene #Climate

I’m only one person. I can’t stop climate change or save the world by myself. Why should I even try?

While it's true that you and I can only take tiny steps in comparison with the horrendous damage wrought by corporations and billionaires, we still should make the right eco-friendly choices.

If our actions can make even a small difference in reducing loss and pain for a few people or a few species, then it's worth it. If nothing else, we will feel better about ourselves. And with our improved mental and emotional well-being, we will have more energy to fight capitalism.

#bicycle #vegan #recycling

Hoy salimos a protestar en las calles de Berlín contra el absurdo y la hipocresía del gobierno alemán: 65 mil millones de euros anuales en subvenciones a los combustibles fósiles.
@scientistrebellion_GER @ScientistRebellion

How to describe Kissinger, according to major news organizations:

BBC: "sometimes controversial"

Reuters: "diplomat and Nobel winner"

CNN: "a dominating and polarizing force"

Politico: "America's most famous diplomat"

NBC News: "former US Secretary of State"

NYT: "shaped Cold War history"

Wall Street Journal: "helped forge US Policy"

AP News: "ex-secretary of state"

CNBC: "towering American diplomat"

ABC News: "former secretary of state and presidential advisor"

France 24: "giant of statecraft"

The Hill: "American dipolomat"

Washington Post: "shaped world affairs under two presidents"

NPR: "..." [updated to: "legendary diplomat and foreign policy scholar"]

COWARDS. All of you. THIS is a headline:

Rolling Stone: "War Criminal Beloved by America's Ruling Class"

More than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agree that climate change is mainly caused by humans, according to a new survey of 88,125 climate-related studies.

Más del 99,9% de los artículos científicos coinciden en que el cambio climático está causado principalmente por el ser humano, según una nueva revisión de 88125 trabajos relacionados con el clima.


Earth will soon cross a scary climate change threshold. What happens next?

2023 may overshoot the Paris Agreement target of 1.5C for the first time. How will that impact climate negotiations?

“Indigenous inhabitants in the #amazon are asking the Brazilian government to declare a #climateemergency as their villages have no drinking water, food or medicine due to a severe drought that is drying up rivers vital for travel in the rainforest….”
#Brazil #amazonrainforests #climatecrisis


A brief history of capitalists complaining that nobody wants to work for starvation wages

Using #Mastodon
and the #Fediverse is an act of rebellion in itself.

By being here,
you are contributing to grow an alternative system that is led by the people and for the people, not for profits.

By being here,
you are encouraging a solution to a deteriorating social climate that thrives on outrage and monetization of hate.

By being here,
you are participating to the development of a new system that can slowly build a better world.

Thank you for being here 💚

Los límites planetarios están definidos como procesos que mantienen la estabilidad y resiliencia el . Las perturbaciones ocasionadas por actividades humano-industriales han transgredido 6 de los 9 límites, lo cual indica que nuestro planeta se encuentra en un estado de gravedad sin precedentes en la historia humana.

#RadicalHorticulture Manifesto

* Every garden can be a #WildlifeGarden
* Use #NativePlants where possible
* Create habitat where you can
* Grow #WildFlowers & perennial crops for humans
* Extend garden principles of mutual aid into the commons
* Create edible ecosystems

#RadicalHorticulture #ForestGarden

🚨 ¡Atento llamado, atento llamadooo! 🚨

☔️📊 ¡Transformá #datos de #cambioclimático en obras de arte! 🎨🖼️

🤔 ¿Cómo, cuándo, dónde?

✨ ¡Sumate al DATOS+ARTE 2023, de #BID y #ABRELATAM/#CONDATOS, AQUÍ! ✨⬇️

Únete a nosotros en nuestro próximo de la serie "Conectando los Puntos" y descubre cómo la está dando forma a nuestro futuro. ¡Regístrate ahora!

We are on a path of more global warming. But how much your country has warmed and how much it will warm if we keep this trajectory?
In the case of Mexico, it has already warmed 1.5°C (compared to preindustrial levels).
Want to check your country values? Visit

El planeta se está calentando. Ya se calentó y se va a calentar más. Pero qué tanto? Y como se ve por país? Este sitio muestra qué tanto se calentó y cuánto se calentará para el 2100 si seguimos en esa trayectoria.
En el caso de CR, ya se calentó 1.4°C en promedio con respecto a valores preindustriales y todavía le falta. Hay que implementar soluciones YA y rechazar esos intentos de extraer petróleo o gas que pueda tener la administración actual.

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Comunidad fediversal para productores y curadores de conocimiento. Lenguajes: Español, Português, otras lenguas nuestroamericanas.