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Sea surface temperatures (SST) have observed exceptional record warmth over the last few months around the world - August 2023 was effectively off the charts...

Data available from NOAA ERSSTv5 ( Methods detailed in

Terrible news from a study out today on emperor penguins in the Antarctic (

"Of the five breeding sites in the region all but one experienced total breeding failure after sea ice break-up before the start of the fledging period of the 2022 breeding season. This is the first recorded incident of a widespread breeding failure of emperor penguins that is clearly linked with large-scale contractions in sea ice extent."

More here:

It has been very dry in #Argentina in the last few years increasing the aridity in the region and stressing agricultural fields.

Increased #Dust and #fire activity are a consequence of this continuous drought as shown in this animation of 20 days of satellite obs over lake Mar Chiquita the most active and voluminous source in the area.

Note the activity occurs with wind from practically any direction and both dust and smoke emission can occur simultaneously.

#duststorm #biomassburning

Starting our account in the Fediverse. We are a group of young scientists from Latin America aiming to promote networking, integrated science and soft skills.

Our main motivation is to understand and explain interactions within atmos-, bios-, cryos- and hydrosphere and how this knowledge can help us to solve the huge socio-environmental challenges we are facing.

Webinario Connecting the Dots – organizado por

Con la participación de la Prof. Astrid Ulloa de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Astrid Ulloa en webinar : Connecting The Dots - Anthropocene

El conceptro de ignora otras ontologías y globaliza las causas de la crisis ecológica.

The phone you grew up with was a -


Please boost for a wider demographic

Sudden DECREASE IN AIR POLLUTION improves HEALTH immediately & over 3 yrs

Pittsburgh: a highly polluting coke plant is suddenly closed

- Emergency visits for cardiovascular disease decreased 42% immediately, continued over 3 yrs

- No change in control

When UV light is not always the solution indoors,.....

common UV lamps used as germicide have the unintended consequence of producing #ozone

the study


#Sunrise over #Patagonia today, with continuous #highlatitudedust activity (posted about it last 2 days) with abundant snow farther south.

This illustrates that dust storms (or more generally, dust activity) can happen in cold weather and during the winter.


‼️Sobrevivir como investigadoras no tendría que ser un acto de equilibrio tan arriesgado y agotador. Toda la sociedad se beneficiaría si las científicas recibieran apoyo para contribuir de forma equitativa al progreso de la ciencia, desde sus formas de hacer y de pensar propias y diferentes.‼️ ✍️ Marta Bueno Saz.

#AcademicMastodon #ScienceMastodon #FediScience #WomenInScience #Diversity @academicchatter @academicsunite

Sunrise in #Patagonia today and there is a very long plume of #highlatitudedust from dry lake Colhué Huapi.

The long plume indicates that activity started during nighttime and it's been active for several hours.

In color is the Aerosol Optical Depth , a proxy of concentration that it is used to derive particle matter amount (dust mass cannot be directly measured from space)

#paleoclimate #biogeochemicalcycles #dust

This morning in #Patagonia, #highlatitudedust activity from several dry lakes (including the large dry bed Colhué Huapi) . Long dust plumes.

The winds are such that dust initially moves east and then veers south making likely this dust will reach the #SouthernOcean and maybe #Antarctica.

This is a good example of dust activity in the middle of the winter (there is even snow not too far south , red circle)

#paleoclimate #biogeochemicalcycles

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Comunidad fediversal para productores y curadores de conocimiento. Lenguajes: Español, Português, otras lenguas nuestroamericanas.