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I would like to personally thank the Sun for blasting out *four* solar flares *simultaneously* on the same week I explain solar storms and also warn folks about the dangers of them.

Es que es pa' matarlos... Tres palabras y las tres mal. Y en la feria del libro! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

PD. Lo correcto sería "Ajuntament de València".

Good grief, they've fixed Voyager 1!

That's some impressive remote support!

🚨🚨📡✨ Tras 5 meses enviando datos sin sentido, ¡¡la #Voyager1 ha enviado datos de ingeniería correctos y está a punto de volver a enviar ciencia!! ¡Enhorabuena al equipazo del JPL que lo ha hecho posible! ¡Gracias por volver a hacer lo imposible en una sonda de 47 años! 📡✨

Sous vos yeux ébahis, une machine plieuse lanceuse d'avions en papier fabriquée en lego.
Le Fediverse ne pouvait pas ignorer son existence

Searching for Free-Floating Planets with TESS: I. Discovery of a First Terrestrial-Mass Candidate

El material que ha preparado la organización para presentarme pir mi participación en la, semana de la, astronomía en Almería este año.

I'm talking to a journalist in a bit about NASA's new "space sustainability strategy" and this one sentence from the abstract seems to sum it up:

"Given the substantial upfront expenditures required to develop and deploy remediation capabilities and the potential delay in receiving benefits, these motivations do not appear to be sufficient to incentivize immediate action"

I'm going to have to read this more carefully, but did NASA just say they don't care about orbit?!

Strange science facts: In nuclear power, functional nuclear fission reactors were constructed as early as 1942, yet nuclear fusion remains elusive and can only be achieved for short periods. In jazz, on the other hand, jazz fusion was invented in the early 70s, and jazz fission remains purely theoretical even today

I wonder who will be giving the mass at Peter Higgs' funeral?

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In response to the energy crisis, Copenhagen dimmed the lighting in the city. A mobile ethnographic study among 22 female citizens asked them about their experience of the change. A total of zero had noticed that the lighting had changed.

No one knows how bright anything is. There is tremendous flexibility to reduce #LightPollution and #Energy waste, simply by dimming streetlights. If you're concerned about a #ClimateCrisis, dimming is one of the easiest steps to take.

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