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In 1959 Richard Nixon, the then vice-president of the United States, unexpectedly visited the jubilee Universal Congress of Esperanto in Warsaw. Information about the visit was discovered by Guilherme Fians during archival research at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, funded by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. …

According to several letters and reports that I found in the archives of the University of Massachusetts Amherst during my research visit there in 2023, during one of Nixon's drives in Warsaw, he was struck by a group of people with Esperanto flags and green stars on their shirts.

…he asked about the meaning of those symbols. When he heard about Esperanto, he wondered about it and asked his driver to drive him to the place those people came from …

Coincidentally or not, in the following year (1960), the internationally oriented Voice of America radio broadcasts also began broadcasting in Esperanto

En Naukas, "mitos y verdades" acerca de un libro que cambió para siempre nuestra visión del mundo y del lugar que ocupamos en él. mundo

Aviso a navegantes ;)

Esto es hoy a las 19h, UTC+1. Muy agradecida desde ya a quien pueda venir ❤️

#Komunikilo #ComunicacionesLibres


Sobre l’odissea de la nau Voyager I
Un viatge de 46 anys amb carambola aprofitant una disposició de planetes que només es repeteix cada 175 anys, i ja fora de la heliosfera (és a més de 22.5 hores llum d’aquí!)

Com un raig còsmic pot haver-li capgirat la memòria, malmetent-ne les comunicacions, i les peripècies per a recuperar la nau i allargar-ne una mica més el final

Good news from the Voyager 1 spacecraft that has been stuck sending a 0101 pattern since Nov 2023.

The team has long suspected the root cause to be a corrupted area of memory in the FDS computer. On Mar 1, they sent some commands to make the FDS skip around sections of memory. The data stream rcvd 45 hours later looked different and was decoded to contain a read-out of the entire FDS memory!

Hopefully, they can now identify and fix the offending memory words.

Por cierto, es buen día para recordar la novela Contact (Carl Sagan) en la que, a diferencia de la película, el número pi juega un papel importante... 🖖

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Happy Pi Day! 🥧
And Happy Birthday to Albert Einstein.

Here are a few mathematical representations of π developed over the ages. Can you identify the mathematicians behind these equations?

The key issue is whether this will lead to an effective protection of the night sky or to consolidate the priority of industrial and military uses of the LEO region, uses that the IAU seems to accept as taken for granted.

Esperanto: The artificial language that aimed to unite humanity - Big Think

"Some studies also suggest that it is a useful tool for learning a third language. The Paderborn method of language learning calls for students to be taught an easy foreign language in schools so they can then learn a third language more quickly. Some versions of this use Esperanto as the easy language. In one study, students who learned Esperanto for two years before learning English caught up to their peers who learned only English fairly quickly and soon surpassed them despite spending less time on it overall. This effect also exists with other languages, though some studies and authors suggest Esperanto offers certain advantages. "

PP y Vox eliminan en Extremadura el requisito de ingresos familiares bajos para una beca universitaria porque es "injusto" que los hijos de los pobres no sean futura mano de obra barata para sus cortijos

@arstechnica Turns out the Fall of the Library of Alexandria was due to Elsevier cancelling their subscription.

Tots els articles de l’Enciclopèdia catalana en accés obert sense registre ni iniciar sessió: #català

“It started with an email. I was sitting in the living room of my family’s acreage on Treaty 6 territory, utterly unaware of the journey I was about to embark upon. We can never know such things in advance, can we?”

Os recuerdo mi artículo sobre "El día de las mujeres trabajadoras en la Luna":

Hoy, día del cumpleaños de Valentina Tereshkova, os recuerdo la serie de seis entradas de mi blog que preparé para el LX aniversario de su vuelo espacial: el primero de una mujer.

I know that observation biases are super important for Kuiper Belt science. Remember Planet 9? I wrote a lot about how observation biases have made a false signal:

Now we have a new observation bias: due to geometry and the orbits companies choose, certain times of night and certain times of year will have more satellite streaks than others. Now we have to try to account for that bias too, while private companies try to keep all their satellite properties secret.

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What could possibly go wrong?

"About 10% of the particles floating around the stratosphere now come from the aerospace industry, and we don't know if this could impact the climate."

#Space #Satellites #SpaceSustainability #Climate #Atmosphere #Pollution #Geoengineering

No trobeu que hi ha un cert biaix de gènere en aquesta producció promocional de l'Institut Geològic i Cartogràfic de Catalunya?

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