Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete

"This is the dystopian nightmare that we've kind of entered in."

The right to repair is a human, ecological right. At so many levels, technology is building an environmental crushing, spirit crushing dystopia. All for the insatiable greed of a few tech bros.

Time to challenge the very concept of technological progress and innovation.

I've seen the Ursula K LeGuin quote about capitalism going around, but to really appreciate it you have to know the context. The year is 2014. She has been given a lifetime achievement award from the National Book Awards. Neil Gaiman puts it on her neck in front of a crowd of booksellers who bankrolled the event, and it’s time to make a standard “thank you for this award, insert story here, something about diversity, blah blah blah” speech. She starts off doing just that, thanking her friends and fellow authors. Allis well. Then this old lady from Oregon looks her audience of executives dead inthe eye, and says “Developing written material to suit sales strategies in order to maximize corporate profit and advertising revenue is not the same thing as responsible book publishing or authorship* She rails against the reduction of her art to a commodity produced only for profit. She denounces publishers who overcharge libraries for their products and censor writers in favor of something “more profitable®. She specifically denounces Amazon and its business practices, knowing full well that her audience is filled with Amazon employees. And to cap it off, she warns them: “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words” Ursula K LeGuin got up in front of an audience of some of the most powerful people in publishing, was expected to give a trite and politically safe argument about literature, and instead told them directly “Your empire willfall. And | wil help it along"

#writer #LeGuin

Buenas galera!

Muitas pessoas chegando por aqui, gostaria de apresentar um pouco sobre o projeto one-minute.

Desde o ano passado, entrei em contato com o @rochacbruno pois gostaria de colaborar com o canal @codeshow, então comecei com vídeos curtos de até um minuto (shorts no YouTube e Reels no Instagram) sobre Python. :python: Todo sábado tem um vídeo sobre operadores, funções, sintaxe, etc... O assunto pode ser escolhido por você também! Fique a vontade para sugerir.

Então segue lá!
YouTube (playlist):

Além desse projeto, CodeShow tem diversos conteúdos apresentados por pessoas maravilhosas!

#python #code

(Conteúdos gratuitos, mas se quiser pagar pode! (aceito pix :blobcat_mlem: ))

Cuando escucho trazas de racismo en comentarios de personas con las que no tengo confianza (peluquero, en el super, etc) suelo utilizar la (falacia de la) evidencia anecdótica contando que a lo largo de mi vida todas las personas que intentaron timarme fueron hombres-españoles-blancos-encorbatados. 🤷‍♂️

La , un concentrado de azúcar de , se usó en Roma para endulzar el vino y la comida.

Algo así como el primer edulcorante industrial con el que una civilización comenzó a envenenarse masivamente.

“if it was important, you would have remembered it.” And “if you cared, you would have remembered.“

Neither of these claims have any basis in reality. Importance, and caring have no correlation to whether a memory is formed.

These sentences only serve to gaslight people about a chemical, process that they cannot control.

Please spread this knowledge.

Please stop gaslighting people with memory issues.

The IGAC-iCACGP Early Career Scientific Steering Committee is organizing a series of Online Workshops on Soft Skills for students and early career researchers.

The next one will be: "The challenges of oral presentations: Perspectives from an old-timer"
With Dr. Graciela B. Raga (UNAM)

🗓️ Free event: Thursday, 22 August, 3 pm UTC

Please register here:

✈️ Los aviones modernos ha sido diseñados para volar más alto y así usar menos combustibles y emitir menos CO₂.

Sin embargo, un estudio reciente muestra que a estas alturas es más probable la formación de estelas de condensación que calientan la atmósfera.

La OMS se prepara para reactivar la alerta internacional por la viruela del mono tras 460 muertes este año en África

“Tenemos un virus circulando dentro de África con un potencial muy alto de expansión que terminará llegando a otros continentes si no se toman medidas”, dice el director del Instituto Universitario de Enfermedades Tropicales y Salud Pública de Canarias, Jacob Lorenzo-Morales

Leyendo que el proceso de de los humanos no es lineal sino que hay ciertos puntos de inflexión donde se envejece fuertemente a mitad de los 40s y a los 60 años 🧓

En este enlace te explico los motivos para no fregar tus envases vacíos:

Muy básicamente: "Sí, entiendo que quieras reducir la contaminación de estos materiales, pero la estás pasando del flujo de residuos al de las aguas. La materia orgánica o los restos de papel y pegamento que salen por tu fregadero deberán ser tratados en la depuradora a la que va el agua limpia que has contaminado con estos restos."

Enésimo recordatorio de que Michael Phelps, aparte de tener un cuerpo desproporcionado que le otorgaba ventaja en la piscina, producía la mitad de ácido láctico que un atleta normal, lo que le hacía resistir más el cansancio, y que eso no fue nunca un problema para nadie en ninguna competición.

- Simultaneous harmonized 1-year monitoring campaigns in six LatAm cities provided PM2.5 levels together with EC/OC content.

- The total carbon content showed a relevant contribution to PM2.5 (32 % to 76 %) in all cities.

- EC-tracer method showed that SOC plays a central role in OC (seasonal averages of SOM/TCM from 19 % to 48 %).

- PMF analysis allowed to identify the key role of vehicle emissions, regional biomass burning and SOA in all cities.

- Further research is needed regarding biases in SOA estimation from different methods.

Please share!

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I am happy to share our new article, a product of a fruitful collaboration among colleagues in Latin America:
"Carbonaceous fraction in PM2.5 of six Latin American cities: Seasonal variations, sources and secondary organic carbon contribution".

The article can be downloaded from this link:…

Following a thread with the highlights of the article:

La primera vez que utilicé ADB para eliminar (en realidad sólo desactivar) el bloatware de mi Samsung, fui demasiado ambicioso y desactivé apps esenciales para el funcionamiento del sistema y terminé restaurando el dispositivo.

Por eso me ha gustado esta herramienta multiplataforma muy útil y sencilla que identifica el dispositivo y te dice qué bloatware es seguro desactivar.

#Android #Bloatware

Cada vez que alguien dice que tal evento o circunstancia «deja mucho dinero a la ciudad», quiere decir que se lo deja a rentistas y hosteleros. Y que el resto de los ciudadanos sufra las externalidades, claro.

This should be the reaction of #archaeology (irony included I mean) and their professionals... I get people who are misinformed about climate change and cannot scientifically inform themselves, but academia, they should go beyond the unjustified and blind rage ignited by medias' click-bait titles :ScientistsForFuture: @ScientistRebellion
Is over-specialisation a valid excuse? I think not

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