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Eso es una lágrima?... Ya, a mí tampoco me gustan los lunes

Grammy Nominees Are a Brainy Bunch: Music Rewires the Brain

Our brains are hard-wired for the benefits of music. Every time a musician practices, their brains rewire by strengthening synapses, building new neurons, and rebuilding the myelin sheath.

Features That May Make Motor Neurons Vulnerable to ALS

Motor neurons are distinguished by a set of genes that may enable the large size of the motor neuron cell body and lengthy axon, but also underlie their vulnerability to degeneration. Their molecular profile was defined by genes involved in cytoskeletal structure, which gives the cell shape and organizes the structures within; neurofilament genes related to cell size; and genes linked to the onset of ALS.

España paga apenas 1.000 euros al mes al talento investigador: "Me quiero ir a trabajar al extranjero"

Los estudiantes de doctorado tardan hasta diez años en conseguir una plaza fija. Denuncian que en otros países se paga el doble por su trabajo y reclaman elevar el presupuesto en investigación hasta el 3% para igualar la media europea.

Brain organoids Summer School

From theory to practice, hands-on course with experts!

The main objective of the School is to train the participants in the generation and processing of brain organoids and inspire the elaboration of new collaborations/projects through the close interactions between the speakers (mentors) and the students.

Organoides cerebrales humanos responden a estímulos visuales al trasplantarlos en ratas

Investigadores de EE UU han logrado integrar neuronas humanas cultivadas en laboratorio en cerebros de ratas adultas a las que se había lesionado su corteza visual. Solo tres meses después, el injerto estaba totalmente incorporado y los animales ya respondían a estímulos luminosos.

Las revisiones por pares, un negocio milmillonario alimentado con el trabajo gratuito de científicos

La corrección de artículos por iguales es básica para la ciencia, pero se basa en la labor desinteresada de cientos de miles de investigadores, que empiezan a alzar la voz ante un sistema explotado por las grandes editoriales para ganar dinero

Perder el exceso de peso podría ralentizar el deterioro cognitivo en el envejecimiento

Un nuevo estudio dirigido por científicos del Instituto-Hospital Neurológico de Montreal (The Neuro), de la Universidad McGill, en halla una correlación entre la neurodegeneración en personas obesas y pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer, lo que sugiere que perder el exceso de peso podría ralentizar el deterioro cognitivo en el envejecimiento y disminuir el riesgo de Alzheimer.

Obesity-Related Neurodegeneration Mimics Alzheimer’s Disease

A new study led by scientists at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) of McGill University finds a correlation between neurodegeneration in obese people and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, suggesting that losing excess weight could slow cognitive decline in aging and lower risk for AD.


Obesity-Associated Neurodegeneration Pattern Mimics Alzheimer’s Disease in an Observational Cohort Study

Obesity-related grey matter atrophy resembles that of AD. Excess weight management could lead to improved health outcomes, slow down cognitive decline in aging, and lower the risk for AD.

Mitochondrial Metabolism Dictates Neurons’ Growth Rate

Altering the rate of respiration in mitochondria changes how fast neurons grow, making mouse neurons grow more like human ones and vice versa, a study finds.

Prenatal exposure to ambient air pollution is associated with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 2 years of age

Higher exposure to air pollutants during pregnancy, particularly in the mid and late prenatal periods, was inversely associated with scaled and composite motor, cognitive, and language scores at 2 years. These results indicate that prenatal ambient air pollution may negatively impact neurodevelopment in early life.

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