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Descubierta una proteína clave en el desarrollo de la enfermedad de Parkinson

Investigadores europeos han identificado una importante relación entre una proteína llamada galectina-3 (gal3) y el párkinson. Como desempeña un papel crucial en el desarrollo y la progresión de esta enfermedad neurodegenerativa, podría  ser una diana terapéutica de alto interés para su tratamiento.

La vatiquinona ralentiza la progresión de la Ataxia de Friedreich después de 1,5 años.
Sin embargo, en la población de análisis primario, el ensayo no logró su objetivo principal de un cambio general estadísticamente significativo en la progresión de la enfermedad.

El sexo no es binario

Niñas y niños, hombres y mujeres, hembras y machos… muchos piensan que el sexo es un rasgo binario con dos categorías aisladas, pero la realidad es bastante más compleja.

APOE expression and secretion are modulated by mitochondrial dysfunction

This study presents compelling evidence that ApoE is upregulated in various models of mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction. The work is of fundamental interest for those studying neurodegeneration and the role of ApoE in Alzheimer's disease; future work will be needed to reveal the molecular basis of this dramatic phenotype.

Neural bases of freedom and responsibility

This review presents a broad perspective of the Neuroscience of our days with special attention to how the brain generates our behaviors, emotions, and mental states. It describes in detail how unconscious and conscious processing of sensorimotor and mental information takes place in our brains. Finally, the brain process for decision-making, and its relationship with individual free will and responsibility, are also described.

@Javier_DN por eso cada día se promueve más el #OpenAccess en las universidades, sueño con ver eso con mis propios ojos como un movimiento mundial

Ciencia, un bien público privatizado por grandes editoriales comerciales

La comunicación de resultados científicos es un negocio muy lucrativo y bastante desconocido para la ciudadanía. Un gigantesco oligopolio de editoriales comerciales nos vende, a precios millonarios, el acceso a los resultados de la investigación financiada con el dinero de todos. Sin embargo, este hecho apenas llama la atención del público.

It matters who does science

A monolithic group of scientists will bring many of the same preconceived notions to their work. But a group of many backgrounds will bring different points of view that decrease the chance that one prevailing set of views will bias the outcome. This means that scientific consensus can be reached faster and with greater reliability. It also means that the applications and implications will be more just for all.

Gene Therapy Reverses Age-Related Hearing Loss in Mice

The efficacy of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors in reversing genetic hearing loss in aged animal models has been demonstrated.

Running throughout Middle-Age Keeps Old Adult-Born Neurons Wired

Long-term running maintains the wiring of “old” new neurons, born during early adulthood, within a network that is important for memory function during aging in mice.

Running Rewires the Aging Brain: Exercise Protects Memory Function

Physical activity, particularly running, has been found to rewire aging brains, helping to preserve memory functions.
Long-term running keeps older neurons wired, potentially preventing age-related memory loss and neurodegeneration.

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